Monday 14 June 2010

This week

A lovely wild rose, self seeded in the long border

This week

The topiary border cleared and clipped, Perennial geraniums and lychnis coronaria and Berberis and Kniphofia caulescens bprviding a nice contrast.

Friday 4 June 2010

This week

View up the border and the train topiary , with Echium spikes!

This week

Thistles, Irises and the Island bed, planted up for summer

This week

View of the long border. Olearia macrodonta, finally flowering after 3 years! Iris 'Jane Phillips' and a foxglove.

Sunday 2 May 2010

This week

Island bed spring display 2010, plus the long bordercoming back to life!

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Tulip 'Orange King'

The only tulips left - we seem to have a tulip and daffodil thief - if you see them, please tell them to desist!

Monday 5 April 2010

This week

Borders coming back to life, Japanese Quince, Daffodils and Pansies and forget me nots in the island bed.

Monday 15 March 2010

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Signs of Spring

Crocus and Snowdrops putting on an early show

Signs of Spring!

At last some sunshine.

Time to take off the covering of leaves from the long border. A couple of fatalities from the cold winter - Echium and Kniphofia have suffered, but everything else ok!