Monday, 14 May 2007


Geranium'Brookside' under the roses, Lychnis x atkinsii 'Versuvius' about to bloom along with the first Lychnis coronaria in the main border, and Rosa rugosa in the top bed.

Weekend Work

Thanks to everyone who turned up to help this weekend!

The raised bed has now been planted out with summer bedding - Looks a bit sparse at the moment but should soon fill out.

Elsewhere, in the main border the Pyracantha is in full bloom (this should convert into berries for the birds later on in the season), and the roses under the purple Sycamore are beginning to flower.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Summer Bedding

For the last couple of months my living room floor has been a temporary home for plants being grown on for the park.

This weekend they will be moved into position to replace the wallflowers that are now past their best .

The raised triangular bed will be planted up with white Pelargonium and Hordeum jubatum, a perennial grass.

I'm not sure where the lime green tobacco plants will go yet - I've got 300 in all!