Monday, 27 August 2007

Out this week

Big hips of Rosa rugosa in the top bed. Onorpodium acanthium (Scottish Thistle), nestling in with Santolina 'Santa', Heliotrope marine 'Cherry Pie' ...get down on your knees and inhale.. you'll see why it's so named! and Nicotiana 'Lime Green'..out at last.

Monday, 6 August 2007

Out this week

The White Geraniums in the Island Bed are finally putting on a show, and Sunflowers, Helianthus 'Valentine (a branching multi-headed variety), beginning to flower.

Friday, 20 July 2007

Looking good this week

Yellow Perennial Rudbeckia, cerise Lychnis, orange Calendula and purple Verbena bonariensis all working together!

Sunday, 15 July 2007

Out this week

The Squirrel Tail Grass, Hordeum jubatum, a perennial Rudbeckia, Sunflower 'Valentine', White Geraniums finally coming into flower and Love in the Mist

Monday, 25 June 2007

Friday, 22 June 2007

Opium poppies (Papaver somniferum)

Seed scattered in the top bed in March are now all coming into bloom and should provide a wide array of shapes and colours in the next few weeks.


Great Spotted Woodpeckers, Grey Wagtails (nesting in Deptford Creek) and stag beetles have all been spotted recently.

Tuesday, 19 June 2007


Thanks to Ray Collingham and Steve Roedel at Greenwich Council we now have gates at the main entrance to the park that will hopefully deter late night visitors.

We are grateful for the support of the council who have also provided a further bench and repaired all the damaged brickwork around the perimeter of the park - thanks guys!

On the plant front there is a bit of a lull at the moment, the only new arrival this week being Calendula officinalis.

The good news is that all the bedding plants grown from seed are now planted up, and so apart from a bit of weeding and dead heading there isn't that much to do!

Monday, 11 June 2007

Weekend Work

The lawns have really come back to life, thanks partly to the nitrogen rich feed that was applied in spring. Whilst not a particularly 'green' approach
it does look good and makes it better equipped to deal with the rigours of a public space.

Thanks to everyone who helped with the mulching at the weekend. The mulch will act as a moisture retainer and weed suppressor during the summer, and will eventually break down and improve the structure of the soil.

Saturday, 9 June 2007

Out this week

Opium poppies, Hypericum sp. and Acanthus mollis beginning to flower

Sunday, 3 June 2007

From The Mercury 16th May 2007

Out this week

The Lychnis coronaria (common name Dusty Miller, Rose Campion etc) putting on a great show. Acanthus mollis spikes beginning to flower under the Field Maples by Burgos Grove . The lawns coming back to their best. Beautiful peeling bark on the London plane trees and the Lonicera and Privet balls beginning to provide real structure.

Monday, 14 May 2007


Geranium'Brookside' under the roses, Lychnis x atkinsii 'Versuvius' about to bloom along with the first Lychnis coronaria in the main border, and Rosa rugosa in the top bed.

Weekend Work

Thanks to everyone who turned up to help this weekend!

The raised bed has now been planted out with summer bedding - Looks a bit sparse at the moment but should soon fill out.

Elsewhere, in the main border the Pyracantha is in full bloom (this should convert into berries for the birds later on in the season), and the roses under the purple Sycamore are beginning to flower.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Summer Bedding

For the last couple of months my living room floor has been a temporary home for plants being grown on for the park.

This weekend they will be moved into position to replace the wallflowers that are now past their best .

The raised triangular bed will be planted up with white Pelargonium and Hordeum jubatum, a perennial grass.

I'm not sure where the lime green tobacco plants will go yet - I've got 300 in all!

Saturday, 28 April 2007


Syringa (Lilac) looking (and smelling) good at the perimeter of the park behind the old wooden bench and Cytisus sp. (Broom), coming to the end of it's flowering period, in the top bed- a good plant for dry conditions!

Sunday, 22 April 2007


Looking good in the long border this morning. Tulip 'Queen of the Night' growing through Lychnis coronaria.

April 2007

Spring has sprung!

The cherries are blossoming and the raised bed is a riot of colour.

Suddenly people are back, using the park to sunbathe, picnic and relax in..job done!

March 2007

Daffodil time!

February /March 2007

First the yellows, then whites, purples and stripes..... crocuses, naturalised in the turf (the bulbs provided by Greenwich Council's Parks Department) put on a lovely display early on in the season.

February 2007

The park was 'put to bed' in November. The fallen leaves were collected and stored in the corner of the park adjacent to Burgos Grove, to rot down and be used as a soil conditioner later in the season.

The mild winter was interrupted by snow in February.

October 2006

The triangular bed at the main entrance to the park was planted up with wallflowers and Phormiums.

An article about the group was published in Greenwich Time Newspaper.